Sunday, April 3, 2011

Prepare for Pictures!

Ahhh yes we slipped again...No blog for how many months?!? Holy crap! I really did have the best of intentions - really :) After this last post we got ready for Christmas and it took 5 days of trying but we made it out on a MAC flight to California :) (See pictures #1 below) We had an absolute blast spending most of our time down in Monterey!

Coming back I felt something was wrong with a tooth and, not wanting a repeat of problems past, I went in as soon as we got back. Yup so much for that idea. Another broken filling. According to the Dr. I just don't feel it (he said it was much older then the 10-14 days that I had noticed it) another root canal but a real pain in the ass infection in January that took a couple antibiotic rounds to make go away:( With that, kids, normal life, etc that pretty much took up Jan.

In February I continued treatment for my tooth and Sebastian FINALLY made it out of Ft Shafter and back up to Schofield! SWEEET! This did not mean, however, that he had more time at home. This job is keeping him away as much as the past one, but at least there is no awful commute along the way. He very much enjoys working in the 65 EN BN - and those that I have met from there these past 2 months have been great! We are lucky to be part of such a good group for the next year or two :-)

In early March Sebastian's parents came out to visit for a couple of weeks. Actually they just left this past week. See how fast the time flies?!?!???? Pictures are forthcoming!

Now to April and birthdays, Sebastian going to the field and me and the girls heading out to Canada in May!! YEAAAAAAA!!! It's been a year since we've been back and are soooo looking forward to it. Being in the field Sebastian won't be coming with us (again) but we are hoping for next time.....

Ok onto pictures again!

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