Monday, October 1, 2007


Gosh it has been such a busy month! September long weekend Sebastian came home, we went to Garmisch the following weekend (see couple pictures below) and the weekend after that we were off to Ireland! Coming back last weekend we were tired but had really enjoyed out trip!

The weather held for the most part - scattered rain here and there but nothing to terrible bad. We landed in Dublin and then took the train to Galway as well. While in Galway we took a bus tour north to a national preserve area called Connemara. If we were to go back, that is where we would go back to. The whole area is rolling mountains, hills, mist, stone fences, and lots of sheep! LOL I don't think I have ever seen so many sheep in one country! All along the train ride Ty kept looking out the window saying" Da dawgs!!"

Have to keep this short - will add more to this post later. Time to make dinner!
