Here are some recent pic's from around home (Max & Riley were starting to feel neglected on the blog! :-)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Where is summer going?

YEAHHH! I cannot quite believe it but Ty is now 11 months! Cliche I know but where did the time go? many times over the past months we have commented that she definitely does not look like a baby but a little girl....particularly when I (finally) started to get pictures printed and put into albums!
Which also means Sebastian is about to leave to have his 'fun in sand' LOL Though I don't know that he would describe being in the Box that way. He will miss Ty's first birthday but only by a couple of days so we are having 2 parties - one on her actualy birthday (I couldn't just let that day go by with nothing) and then a bigger party once Daddy is back :-) My friend Lori is all for it so she will be my accomplice! Something tells me Tyler won't mind having 2 parties,....okay, she won't remember having 2 parties but Mom won't mind either!
The other reason I fell like summer is fast fading away is the weather. I hope it warms up again soon. It was great in July - hot actually and this past week the temperature dropped enough at night that I have been putting Ty is fleece PJ's! Daytimes have been sometimes sunny with clouds suddenly rushing in making you think a big storm is brewing...then it rains a LITTLE and then disappears again?!? WTH? Strange that it can supposedly be around 15+C but it sure won't feel like it. Someone commented that they heard once the kids get out of school that is when the temp starts to drop aka that its the beginning of the end of summer....the German kids got out last Friday LOL so that timing wouldbe about right! I hope that isn't true - I am NOT NOT ready for summer to be over!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Playing in the Park

We had a 'play in the park' day with some good friends of ours. We are lucky enough to have some really great neighbors here including Lori ( yes her name is the same as mine!) who has a little girl close in age to Ty along with an older son - and Ty loves to play with both of them! Visiting at each others houses is pretty comonfor us :-) but today it was decided to hit the park. Fortunately this cute little park - complete with ducks, one white swan and a fountain - is not far away from our houses. We both took our bikes and Chariots to the park instead of driving....a Chariot you say? Well it is a bike trailer, jogging stroller, regular stroller and a couple other things all rolled into one! LOL This is what it looks like:

So onto the park we rode and we managed to escape the rain though we really had some doubts from time to time. Here are some pictures - no slide show as I cannot seem to log onto the site to make one today (grrrrr hate unreliable sites!)....

Floppy hat for the very little sun that came out!
Unfortunately my one or two shots of the pond didn't pan out, I'll have to try again next time! At the moment Ty has decided it is NOT blog time so I will have to write more later....
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Over the past weeks there have been babies arriving all over the place -
For Kelly & Rob, Elena & Andrew and Rachel & Neil....

For Barbara & Joel......
To check out pictures of these lil cuties, Kelly and Elena's site links are on this page. Peyton is Kelly's and Giuliana is Elena's.
Barbara & Joel and Rach & Neil don't have sites yet (hint hint) but once they do I will link them as well.
Congratulations again and wishing you sleep-filled nights!

(LOL Hey sooner or later it will happen! :-)
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