Saturday, April 12, 2008

Paris: Part 2

Thanks Rachel for bringing to my attention that Slide had dropped the last 12 pictures from my slideshow!! Apparently there IS a limit as to how many pictures you can have in one show LOL

Here is Paris:Part 2 (that does include the torch...or what you can see of it!)

One interesting note on this whole escapade with the Olympic flame was the way it was reported in the media. While we all know that the way something is reported is often not necessarily exactly the way it went down, it is still sometimes surprising when you see it happen first hand just how different it can come out.

There were pictures taken of a couple of protesters who ran out onto the street with flags in front of us. That's it. They didn't try to grab anyone, tackle anyone, or do anything other than shout stuff ('Free Tibet' usually) and wave their Tibet flag for which they knew they would get bum-rushed by the police (no one is allowed out on the road)....We later saw these pictures in the French media, Drudge Report online and other places...It was amazing how suddenly these individuals who ran out on the road were shot in close up with the police on top of them making it look much worse, much more violent and out of control than it was.

What I wish had been shown in the media was the freaking photographers/paparazzi themselves. IMO they were more out of control than the "protesters" we saw. Picture if you will: single young man runs out onto street waving a flag saying 'free Tibet' and 2-3 police quickly grab him and physically carry him off the street...all followed by up to 6 (yes that is SIX) other individuals racing across the road, surrounding the police and protester all vying for the best shot, the best angle. It was unreal how often they would get in the way or in the face of the police...I commented that the French police showed great restraint - not with the protesters (though they acted professionally there as well), but with the stupid photog's because if it had been me I would have slugged more than one of them that morning!!

Just my lil sidenote for the morning :-)

1 comment:

Huse Yo Mama said...

It's just like how they report the war. If only everyone had a chance to view it first-hand.

Good photos, girl!