Another beautiful day and we decide to get the kids out for a hike....which turned into a climb haha The hike in queston is Koko Head (Crater) hike. It's on the southeast side of the island close to Hawaii Kai. But a trail hike this is NOT! As you can see from the pictures below.
The are the "steps" to the starts out as a little incline and goes almost vertical at the top!
About 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up Alex had had enough! She did well to make it that far and I was under no illusions about her making the vertical part. Ty on the other hand wanted to keep going - so she kept going with Dad :-) She was amazing! Men who were taking rest breaks on the way up (particularly near the top) were asking Sebastian how old she was...When they learned she had just turned 5 some were saying "You go girl!!" and others were more "Stoooop!! You're making us look bad" LMAO
But up she went with enough energy at the end to pose for pictures :-D
Dirty & dusty but made it!
Hawaii Kai Hanauma Bay
Top of the world with attitude :-)

On the way back down......
Taking a well deserved break and enjoying the breeze!
Once we had re-grouped, cleaned off and gobbled down snacks it was off to the pool for a cool dip.....Needless to say the kids racked out for most of the afternoon once we go home!