Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kauai Part 2

Here is the second set of pictures from Kauai along with some taken today.....I managed to scale it down a bit. We took a LOT of pictures :)

Except one day. The reason we do not have many pictures of the boat trip is that both girls, shortly after the family picture was taken, got seriously seasick. Poor kids they couldn't stop till everything was gone and then they both mercifully passed out, one on each of us on different parts of the boat. Ty woke up feeling better, Alex was dry heaving till we got into dock. Of course this couldn't be a 1-2 hour ride, ohhhh nooooooo. This was a sunset 5 HOUR excursion with dinner and drinks.....Want to guess how much dinner or drinks either of us had?!???? Fortunately they felt better almost as soon as they got onto dry land.

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