Friday, November 26, 2010



I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends!

In the midst of Thanksgiving weekend and I must say its nice to have a low key long weekend. We did our turkey dinner as a late lunch out yesterday (which was great!!) and did a tiny bit of shopping today LOL

Well we had said if we ever saw it come back in we'd buy it for the girls soooo they ended up getting an early Christmas present: their bouncer castle! Too big to hide coming out of the store they were ecstatic and wanted to come home asap. Friends have one and had told us it was a thing you found only periodically in the stores so we didn't want to wait.....

Definitely nice to not have any snow on the ground!!

Sets up in less than 2 minutes - sweet plug & play!

More fun when Dad is the 'monster' chasing you!

And Tyler practiced her 'karate' kicks LOL

The girls tired themselves out (yeaaa!) and had a the neighbour kids came over and plan on coming back tomorrow :) Darn rain just needs to stay away!

The rest of the weekend is going to be hanging out at the house, kids playing, Dad has his new favourite game and Mom trying to get back to work...yes I stubbornly refuse to accept defeat. The markets may open at 330am (pre-markets earlier than that) but I am resolved to find a way. How to fit that into the overall swing of things plus home preschooling with a 2 yr in tow remains to be figured out but I am sure there's a way......right? :-P

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